Behaviour Support Services

Specialized behavior support services for positive change and enhanced well-being.

Behaviour Support Services

Tamba Healthcare helps people to find new and sustainable ways to communicate and make better choices that enable them to participate effectively in the community. Our behaviour support services aim to reduce the frequency and severity of challenging behaviours in the long term. We provide an assessment to help us understand what a person is communicating through their behaviour, which may involve reviewing relevant reports or information, talking with the person and their family or networks, and observing the person in their home, school, place of work, or community. Depending on the person’s needs, we may develop both a Positive Behaviour Support Plan and a Skill Development Plan to best support the person, reduce the need for them to engage in behaviours of concern, respond safely if the person does use those behaviours, and help the person learn skills to replace the need for those behaviours.

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